Visualisation Visualisation tool helps you to explore the key parameters in the library statistics, and to view their change.
The data in the Finnish Public Libraries Statistics Database and its maintenance is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Culture
All the public libraries in Finland (except in the Åland Islands) and the Regional State Administrative Agencies take part in the production of the statistical information.
✔Events organized by the library for persons under 18 years: number of events
✔Total number of participants in the events for persons under 18 years
✔Events organized by the library for persons over 18 years: number of events
✔Total number of participants in the events for persons over 18 years
✔Literature and reading promotion: number of events
✔Literature and reading promotion: number of participants
✔Worldview and social events: number of events
✔Worldview and social events: number of participants
✔Other cultural events: number of events
✔Other cultural events: number of participants
✔Other events: number of events
✔Other events: number of participants
✔Total number of participants in the events
✔Events organized by other municipal actors in the library
✔Events organized by external actors in the library
✔Library participation in events organized by other actors outside the library
✔User training
✔User training
✔Versatile literacy for persons under 18 years: number of trainings
✔Versatile literacy for persons over 18 years: number of trainings
✔Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication and digital technology, teaching library usage for persons under 18 years: number of training sessions
✔Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication and digital technology, teaching library usage for persons over 18 years: number of training sessions
✔Other trainings: number of trainings
✔Versatile literacy: number of trainings
✔Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication and digital technology, teaching library usage: number of training sessions
✔User training: total number of pariticipants
✔Versatile literacy for persons under 18 years: number of participants
✔Versatile literacy for persons over 18 years: number of participants
✔Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication U18:
✔Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication 18-
✔Other trainings: number of participants
✔Versatile literacy: number of participants
✔Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication and digital technology, teaching library usage: number of participants
✔User training in hours
✔Person years hired by the library (1999-2016)
✔Person years hired by the library
✔Person years: Higher education
✔Professional person years
✔Person years: Upper secondary level
✔Professionals: Upper secondary level
✔Person years: Others
✔Other person years (not hired by the library)
✔In-service training day
✔Expenditures in the statistical year
✔Expenditure on staff
✔Expenditure on library materials
✔Expenditure on books
✔Expenditure on eMaterials
✔Expenditure on space
✔Other expenditures
✔Expenditures in the current year
✔Other stats
✔Under 15 years old
✔Municipality number
✔Collections / Inhabitants
✔Collections: Books / Inhabitants
✔Collections: Music recordings / Inhabitants
✔Collections: Visual recordings / Inhabitants
✔Disposals / Collections (-2021)
✔Disposals / Collections (2022-)
✔Acquisitions / (Inhabitants / 1000)
✔Acquisitions: Books / (Inhabitants / 1000)
✔Acquisitions: Music recordings / (Inhabitants / 1000)