Visualisation Visualisation tool helps you to explore the key parameters in the library statistics, and to view their change.
The data in the Finnish Public Libraries Statistics Database and its maintenance is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Culture
All the public libraries in Finland (except in the Åland Islands) and the Regional State Administrative Agencies take part in the production of the statistical information.

Search statistics


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Finnish Public Libraries
Regional State Administrative Agency
Language distribution
Kimppa (2018-)
Statistical grouping of municipalities

Selected libraries





Statistical information & Key figures

Service points
User training
Other stats
Prefer organisations when grouping

Search results

Collections: Books, total
Collections: Finnish books
Collections: Swedish books
Collections: Books in other languages
Collections: Fiction, adults
Collections: Fiction, children
Collections: Non-fiction, adults
Collections: Non-fiction, children
Collections: Printed music
Collections: Music recordings
Collections: Other recordings
Collections: Videorecordings
Collections: Other material
Collections: Videos (-2017)
Collections: CD-Rom (-2017)
Collections: DVD:s and Blue-rays (-2017)
Service points
Service points
Hospital libraries
Mobile libraries
Mobile library loans
Mobile library stops
Other servicepoints
Opening hours
Opening hours, staff present
No name
Opening hours : Open library
Utilized surface area (square metre)
Main libraries
Branch libraries
Acquisitions: Books, total
Acquisitions: Finnish books
Acquisitions: Swedish books
Acquisitions: Books in other languages
Acquisitions: Fiction, adults
Acquisitions: Fiction, children
Acquisitions: Non-fiction, adults
Acquisitions: Non-fiction, children
Acquisitions: Printed music
Acquisitions: Music recordings
Acquisitions: Other recordings
Acquisitions: Videorecordings
Acquisitions: Other material
Acquisitions: Videos (-2017)
Acquisitions: CD-rom
Acquisitions: DVD:s and Blu-rays
Loans, total
Loans: Books, total
Loans:Finnish books
Loans: Swedish books
Loans: Books in other languages
Loans: Fiction, adults
Loans: Fiction, children
Loans: Non-fiction, adults
Loans: Non-fiction, children
Loans: Printed music
Loans: Music recordings
Loans: Other recordings
Given inter-library loans 2022-
Loans: Celia talking books on CD
Loans: Videorecordings (2018-)
Loans: Other material
Given inter-library loans
Received inter-library loans
Loans: Videos (-2017)
Loans CD-roms (-2017)
Loans: Dvd:s and Blu-rays (-2017)
Collection: E-books (calculated)
Collection: E-books (actual)
Acquisitions: eBooks
Loans: eBooks instances of use
Loans: eMusic instances of use
Loans: eMagazines instances of use
Loans: eDatabase instances of use
Loans: eFilm instances of use
eMusic: logins
Library visits
Customers of Celia
Web visits
Events organized by the library
Events organized by the library for persons under 18 years: number of events
Total number of participants in the events for persons under 18 years
Events organized by the library for persons over 18 years: number of events
Total number of participants in the events for persons over 18 years
Literature and reading promotion: number of events
Literature and reading promotion: number of participants
Worldview and social events: number of events
Worldview and social events: number of participants
Other cultural events: number of events
Other cultural events: number of participants
Other events: number of events
Other events: number of participants
Total number of participants in the events
Events organized by other municipal actors in the library
Events organized by external actors in the library
Library participation in events organized by other actors outside the library
User training
User training
Versatile literacy for persons under 18 years: number of trainings
Versatile literacy for persons over 18 years: number of trainings
Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication and digital technology, teaching library usage for persons under 18 years: number of training sessions
Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication and digital technology, teaching library usage for persons over 18 years: number of training sessions
Other trainings: number of trainings
Versatile literacy: number of trainings
Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication and digital technology, teaching library usage: number of training sessions
User training: total number of pariticipants
Versatile literacy for persons under 18 years: number of participants
Versatile literacy for persons over 18 years: number of participants
Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication U18:
Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication 18-
Other trainings: number of participants
Versatile literacy: number of participants
Information retrieval teaching, teaching of information, communication and digital technology, teaching library usage: number of participants
User training in hours
Person years hired by the library (1999-2016)
Person years hired by the library
Person years: Higher education
Professional person years
Person years: Upper secondary level
Professionals: Upper secondary level
Person years: Others
Other person years (not hired by the library)
In-service training day
Expenditures in the statistical year
Expenditure on staff
Expenditure on library materials
Expenditure on books
Expenditure on eMaterials
Expenditure on space
Other expenditures
Expenditures in the current year
Other stats
Under 15 years old
Municipality number
Collections / Inhabitants
Collections: Books / Inhabitants
Collections: Music recordings / Inhabitants
Collections: Visual recordings / Inhabitants
Disposals / Collections (-2021)
Disposals / Collections (2022-)
Acquisitions / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Acquisitions: Books / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Acquisitions: Music recordings / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Acquisitions: Visual recordings / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Acquisitions / Collections (%)
Acquisitions: Books / Collections: Books %
Acquisitions: Music recordings / Collections: Music recordings %
Acquisitions: Videprograms/ Collections: Videprograms %
Acquisitions - Disposals (-2021)
Acquisitions - Disposals (2022-)
Periodicals / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Library visits / Inhabitants
Library visits / Opening hours
Expenditures in the statisical year / Library visits
Borrowers / Inhabitants
Loans / Inhabitant
Loans, total / Inhabitants
Loans: Books / Inhabitants
Loans: Music recordings / Inhabitants
Loans: Visual recordings / Inhabitants
Lending circulation
Loans / Collections
Loans: Books / Collections: Books
Loans: Music recordings / Collections: Music recordings
Loans: Visual recordings / Collections: Visual recordings
Inter-library loans
Received inter-library loans / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Loans: Other key figures
Loans, total / Opening hours
Loans, total / Person years hired by the library
Expenditures in the statisical year / Loans, total
Expenditures / Inhabitants
Expenditures in the statisical year / Inhabitants
Expenditures in the statisical year / Library visits
Expenditures in the statisical year / Loans, total
Expenditure on staff / Inhabitants
Expenditure on library materials / Inhabitants
Expenditure on books / Inhabitants
Expenditure on eMaterials / Inhabitants
Expedinture on space / Inhabitants
Other expenditures / Inhabitants
(Expenditure on staff plus Expenditure on library materials) / (Library visits plus Loans, total)
Service points
Utilized surface area (square metre) / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Opening hours, staff present / Population
Events and user training
Attendance at events / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Number of attendances at user training / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Person years hired by the library / Total working years
Professional person years / Person years hired by the library Professional person years / Person years hired by the library % -2016
Professional person years / Person years hired by the library 2017-
Person years: Professionals with higher education / Person years hired by the library
Person years hired by the library -2016 / (Inhabitants / 1000)
Person years hired by the library 2017- / (Inhabitants / 1000)
In-service training day / Total working
Turku, 2019 848,115 689,933 540,479 76,190 73,264 194,829 184,280 279,841 30,983 26,808 75,781 12,587 31,544 11,462 N/A N/A N/A Turku, 2019 N/A 0 2 147,688 108 1 45,363 19,001 N/A 26,362 12,923 1 11 Turku, 2019 56,850 49,613 40,388 3,538 5,687 14,688 20,345 10,897 3,683 587 2,088 965 2,704 893 N/A N/A N/A Turku, 2019 3,121,508 3,121,125 2,487,500 2,126,183 158,028 203,289 664,741 916,732 778,467 127,560 47,220 115,220 43,711 N/A 604 291,237 135,633 7,036 383 N/A N/A N/A Turku, 2019 171 1,368 Turku, 2019 3,115 N/A 1,237 45,055 15,322 80,679 2,847 6,135 1,736 Turku, 2019 N/A 80,387 Turku, 2019 70,245 2,115,130 1,269 1,209,092 Turku, 2019 1,943 1,474 N/A N/A N/A N/A 615 12,932 58 2,773 372 19,110 429 10,558 45,373 74 360 35 148 Turku, 2019 736 N/A N/A N/A N/A 49 189 498 10,962 N/A N/A N/A N/A 912 5,616 4,434 736 Turku, 2019 N/A 154 72 67 77 68 5 30.10 388 Turku, 2019 11,581,820 5,975,388 1,176,943 730,639 102,353 3,496,888 932,601 11,892,000 Turku, 2019 191,331 24,530 853 Turku, 2019 4.43 3.61 0.40 0.16 9.48 N/A Turku, 2019 297.13 259.30 10.91 14.13 6.70 7.19 2.76 8.57 -23,537 N/A Turku, 2019 8.04 Turku, 2019 11.05 46.63 5.48 36.71 16.31 16.31 13 0.60 1.52 Turku, 2019 3.68 3.61 1.52 9.23 Turku, 2019 2 Turku, 2019 68.81 20,269.53 3.71 Turku, 2019 60.53 5.48 3.71 31.23 6.15 3.82 0.53 18.28 4.87 Turku, 2019 1.37 Turku, 2019 67.54 0.10 Turku, 2019 237.14 57.29 Turku, 2019 83.65 N/A 87.66 43.51 N/A 0.80 1.15
Municipality, 2019 33,970,443 29,038,398 25,614,179 2,011,660 1,412,559 8,817,409 8,298,621 10,656,390 1,343,536 797,187 2,058,475 605,576 1,103,009 367,798 N/A N/A N/A Municipality, 2019 N/A 12 135 6,229,346 9,799 401 1,981,468.81 1,271,515.31 N/A 709,953.50 503,743.20 282 436 Municipality, 2019 1,756,706 1,551,205 1,372,950 97,072 81,183 438,215 602,494 390,088 118,412 17,402 47,796 46,391 65,359 28,553 N/A N/A N/A Municipality, 2019 85,956,917 85,870,584 69,781,786 63,754,607 3,134,772 2,892,407 19,363,851 28,579,265 17,896,872 3,949,018 1,153,947 2,305,429 1,712,851 N/A 123,004 5,443,676 5,349,891 50,973 86,333 N/A N/A N/A Municipality, 2019 7,087 54,193 Municipality, 2019 107,409.50 N/A 68,901.14 1,155,528.24 418,739.08 2,980,441.32 336,199.20 73,044.16 62,155.24 Municipality, 2019 N/A 2,493,768 Municipality, 2019 1,997,411 53,746,108 20,523 47,023,705.64 Municipality, 2019 55,503 40,450 N/A N/A N/A N/A 23,692 453,855 2,932 90,309 7,413 263,876 6,413 185,301 993,341 4,651 9,020 1,382 4,714 Municipality, 2019 30,722 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,001 12,619 16,102 485,652 N/A N/A N/A N/A 29,406 266,698 189,548 32,922.22 Municipality, 2019 N/A 3,977.72 1,839.01 1,749.61 1,872.76 1,691.32 265.96 430.48 16,541.75 Municipality, 2019 327,459,035.59 169,737,709 36,504,785.51 23,781,862.69 2,548,080.15 80,239,318.92 40,977,222.16 330,596,382.79 Municipality, 2019 5,488,073 877,281 * Municipality, 2019 6.19 5.29 0.38 0.20 7.34 N/A Municipality, 2019 320.10 282.65 8.71 11.91 5.17 5.34 2.32 5.93 -737,062 N/A Municipality, 2019 11.17 Municipality, 2019 9.79 27.12 6.09 36.40 15.66 15.66 12.72 0.42 0.99 Municipality, 2019 2.53 2.40 1.12 4.94 Municipality, 2019 15.73 Municipality, 2019 43.38 21,714.60 3.81 Municipality, 2019 59.67 6.09 3.81 30.93 6.65 4.33 0.46 14.62 7.47 Municipality, 2019 1.48 Municipality, 2019 91.79 0.23 Municipality, 2019 181 88.49 Municipality, 2019 90.23 N/A 86.51 43.99 N/A 0.72 1.98